The peace of mind of booking your room or suite in Novara even by the hour!

When you need a luxury room or suite in Novara for a short time and do not want to stay all night, Motel Piranha’s hourly rates are the ideal solution to this need.

Sold by 6-hour slots, the pass-through rate allows you to book the motel by the hour by choosing your favorite room or suite without having to stay all night.

Booking a suite or room by the hour is a quick and convenient way to treat yourself during the day to a moment of relaxation all to yourself or with those you love, or even for a business meeting by counting on the spaces of our suites all with large tables.

Also, don’t miss our collection of themed suites and junior suites that can satisfy all needs with elegance and a hint of transgression. These types are also, of course, available in the hourly mode.

Booking is also very easy: just enter our booking engine and select the offer that best suits your needs. And in case our reservation service via whatsapp or phone is always active to customize your stay according to your needs.

However, privacy is always guaranteed thanks to confidential check-in and direct room entry in most of our types.

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