Piranha Magazine

Offers and promotions

Seize the moment

Seize the moment

If your passion can’t wait, take advantage of our last second special with 15% off hourly rate. Learn more

Private events

Private events

Discover all our solutions for holding a private event in our themed suites: from a romantic candlelight dinner to a cocktail party or bachelor party! Let yourself be tempted

Top Suite Promo

Top Suite Promo

A special discounted rate dedicated to all those who wish to indulge in an escape of love and relaxation in the luxury of our themed suites.
Curious to find out

Anniversary Special

Anniversary Special

An exclusive promotion dedicated to all newlyweds celebrating their anniversary at Motel Piranha

Birthday special

Birthday special

Celebrate your birthday with us and for all reservations, a complimentary bottle of champagne as a welcome in your room!

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