Motel Piranha is really just a stone’s throw from Pavia! By car it is only 101 km or an hour’s drive away.

To reach Motel Piranha from Pavia, the fastest route is by car.

  • The route involves tolls and starts by taking the A53 highway towards Milan
  • Continue towards the A4 in the direction of Turin/Malpensa Airport.
  • Continue on the highway to the Novara East / Service Center exit.
  • Continue on the East Novara bypass
  • At the traffic circle, take the 3rd exit toward the SS703 interchange for Novara Centro/Pt Novara Est/Vigevano/Mortara/Magenta/Trecate/Stadio Ailvio Piola
  • Entering SS 703
  • Continue for about 10 km and at the traffic circle take the second exit for Corso Vercelli / SP 11
  • Continue for approximately 6 km
  • The Piranha Motel is on the right recognizable by the sign with our “little fish” at the top

We look forward to your luxury stay in one of our themed suites with in-room pool or hot tub just a stone’s throw from Pavia!

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